
This website started as a spinoff from one winter school on AI and society. I wanted to offer further opportunity to follow and engage in the discourse that has become the focus of my research—at the intersection of technology, society, and semiotics, on my own terms. Therefore, this site aims to be a resource and study centre, as well as a social network. Technically, it also functions as part of the Fediverse. It is a project under development and it will take a while to assemble the knowledge and references gathered over several years of my PhD studies. In time, there will be online courses on semiotics, AI, society, social constructionism and other related topics.

For now, it is a budding social network used to facilitate communication in and around the courses on technology and society that I have taught or am teaching in the near future. If you feel interested in and like-minded regarding the topics discussed and displayed here, you are welcome to apply for membership.

In addition to my social profile in this network, you can read more about my interests and activities on my researcher website and find my most up-to-date affiliations and contacts in my ORCID profile ORCiD

Thank you for visiting! 🙂
~ Auli