Emily Bender’s critical analysis of AI discourse
Puff pieces that fawn over what Silicon Valley techbros have done, with amassed capital and computing power, are not helping us get any closer to solutions to problems created by the deployment of so-called “AI”. On the contrary, they make it harder by refocusing attention on strawman problems. Source: On NYT Magazine on AI: Resist…
John Oliver on ChatGPT and other AI apps
Session highlights Recap of the session by Adrian Horton in the Guardian (27 Feb 2023) Recap by Savannah Walsh in Vanity Fair (27 Feb 2023) Yet another recap by Erick Massoto in Collider where he further links to an earlier article by Elisa Guimarães ranking movie androids by their bloodthirstiness.
Model collapse and the semiosphere
This article explains the idea of ‘model collapse’. According to Nicolas Papernot, “It’s kind of a reinforcing feedback loop where you only listen to the majority and you start forgetting whatever things were said less often. […]There can be oddities where something that you start generating is actually not that common, and so it just…
Molly White on Web3 and crypto industry
Molly White is a software engineer, crypto-industry critique, and long-time Wikipedia editor. She runs the website Web3 is Going Just Great which tracks and provides critique on events in cryptocurrency and blockchain-based technologies (also called Web3) since the beginning of 2021. In some cases, the communication from crypto companies mislead investors by suggesting that crypto…
other projects
Interesting EU and other projects and research centres around similar topics
Podcast on language models with Joanna Bryson and Daniel Leufer
In the past few days, generative Artificial Intelligence systems like ChatGPT and Stability AI have caught great attention. In the first part of the podcast, we discuss to what extent these language models are actually new, and the potential societal transformations they can drive with Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology at The Hertie…
reading lists
Curated reading lists on various topics in the fields of critical AI and STS.